HOPS gives more.

We offer different size student apartments in Hämeenlinna and Riihimäki. Electricity, water and the laundry room is included in the rent!

Contact Information

Executive manager and property manager

Päivi Orkola
Telephone 010 228 7018

Property manager

Maarit Kihlamo
Telephone 010 228 7089

Only property maintenance matters

Visakylä, Kampuskaarre, H1 and H2

Suomen Huoltopäivystys

Customer service tel. 040 8499 111

Service requests primarily here. In urgent matters, more details here.

Rent Supervisor 

Assi Aakkula

Telephone 010 228 2488


 (only questions about rent payments or deposits!)


Foundation members

Iija Filén
Foundation chairman

Riku Hyttinen
Foundation deputy chairman




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